computer science

How to learn coding from scratch?

With the resources present on the Internet, it is very easy to get started with programming. If you have a laptop/desktop and a reliable Internet connection, you can start your coding journey right now. Follow this roadmap to begin without any confusion.

Photo of Person Typing on Computer Keyboard

Object Oriented Programming Language( OOP )

Start your coding journey with an OOP Language such as C++. Learn the nitty gritties of it and master the important libraries such as STL. For a detailed strategy to learn C++, check this article. It is equally important to solve different programming problems. This tests if you can actually convert an algorithm into working code. Hackerrank is a good source for covering the basics and solving challenging problems.

Black Flat Screen Computer Monitor

Mastering Data Structures and Algorithms

You should develop the ability to tackle different programming questions by implementing the correct algorithm. This is also crucial for software developer roles, as every company tests the knowledge of algorithms and data structures. Competitive programming websites such as CodechefCodeforces are some of the recommended sources to begin with.

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Building Software

Start developing your own applications. Simple projects such as web scrapers, document searchers are a good starting point. Learn Python which can be used for developing several web applications. You can also start learning android and web development. You can also build your own portfolio after this.

Person Typing on Computer Keyboard

Delve Deeper

Software engineering is a huge field. Increase the complexity of projects gradually such as using the web scraper to fetch data from a website and adding classification by using ML. You can try to build applications powered by databases( apps such as Quora or a small social network application that can group users by their common interests and engage them accordingly. )

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Specialized Skills

Try to gain skills which can be leveraged massively. Start with Machine Learning from Andrew Ng’s Coursera course. Join Kaggle and participate in their contests so that you can understand the implementation of ML in the real world. Often the practical use of different ML algorithms is more essential than understanding the theory fully. You can also explore areas such as Cryptography, Network Security depending on your interests.

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